Vision Therapy Success Stories
We are excited to share the success of our recent vision therapy graduates!
Congrats Aiden!
Aiden was 8 years old when he reported some blurry and double vision at his regular eye examination with Dr. Chadderdon at Eyecare Associates. Dr. Chadderdon realized that this was related to a condition called convergence insufficiency, which impacted how Aiden’s eyes worked together. Aiden started vision therapy with Dr. Monroe and was making good progress to reduce his double vision when an unfortunate ATV accident sent Aiden to University of Iowa Children’s Hospital with multiple injuries including skull fractures and a type of a brain injury called a diffuse axonal injury. With excellent medical care and support from his family, Aiden was able to recover from his injuries. As he returned to school, Aiden also returned to vision therapy. While his accident had increased some of his symptoms and slowed his progress a bit, Aiden kept a positive attitude.
Aiden recently graduated from vision therapy, and is doing great. Prior to vision therapy, Aiden saw double vision when he was reading most of the time and reported that he lost concentration while reading leading him to have trouble remembering what he read. At the conclusion of vision therapy, Aiden was happy to report that he no longer had any double vision when reading, and it is much easier for him to stay focused and remember what he reads. He has also significantly improved his reading speed at school. Way to go Aiden!
Therapy Graduate Enjoys Reading
We are excited to share the success of one of our recent vision therapy graduates! This 14 year old came to see us having struggled to read her entire life. She had double vision when she read, her eyes hurt, she often skipped lines and lost her place. She was learning to drive and really struggled understanding directions.
Here’s what her mom had to say after she completed her program of vision therapy: “I have noticed that she has improved with school work. She also never used to read unless she had to, and now I see her reading more often and enjoying it.” She is thrilled that she no longer has double vision when reading, and homework that used to take her an hour to complete only takes 20-30 minutes. While driving, she is now able to navigate and follow directions accurately. Congratulations!
Her symptom score on Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) improved 61% from 42 before vision therapy to 16 after vision therapy.
Improved Reader
According to the mother of one of our recent vision therapy graduates, “Her headaches have improved. Reading has improved significantly. Her confidence has increased. Definitely recommend.” This 4th grader says, “Vision therapy has helped me improve my reading and my reading stamina. Also vision therapy has helped me have not that much of blurry vision.”
Before vision therapy, this recent graduate had trouble accurately moving her eyes together. Using our RightEye infrared eye tracking device, we compared her eye movement abilities to other kids her age. Before vision therapy, her performance was significantly below average, in the 19th percentile. After vision therapy, her eye movement skills improved to the 72nd percentile! No wonder she is becoming a confident reader!

Before Vision Therapy

After Vision Therapy
Way to go Madelyn!
According to Madelyn’s mother, “When Madelyn had her yearly eye exam we mentioned that she was having frequent headaches. Dr. Edwards completed her exam and mentioned the need to do more tests, but was thinking Madelyn needed vision therapy.”
When Dr. Monroe saw Madelyn, she found that Madelyn had reduced convergence ability – which is the skill necessary for her eyes to point in the same place while reading.
Because Madelyn’s convergence ability was so poor, she was having double vision, blurry vision, and headaches with reading. Her mother says, “After vision therapy, she has greatly reduced the headaches she gets. Madelyn shares that she does not see double when she reads and has made great progress.”
Madelyn’s convergence and focusing abilities of her eyes are now functioning within the normal range for her age. Homework that used to take Madelyn 40 minutes to complete is now done in 20 minutes. Way to go Madelyn! We are proud of your hard work and success.
Congratulations Izak
Izak, a high school student, was recently referred for vision therapy because he lost his place when reading, and had difficulty with the way his eyes worked together. In this vision therapy evaluation, Izak struggled with tasks that required coordinated eye movements and had reduced focusing ability of his eyes.
At his graduation from vision therapy, Izak’s focusing ability had improved to within normal range for his age. He found it much easier to look back and forth between the board and his notes or papers at his desk. Izak’s eye movements are now much smoother and more accurate, and he is aware of how his eyes should move and work together.
Way to go Izak!
Well Done Khloe
We are so proud of our recent vision therapy graduate, Khloe. Khloe is in 2nd grade, and when she started vision therapy, she was having trouble paying attention in school. Khloe had reduced oculomotor (eye movement skills) and focusing ability of her eyes. After vision therapy, Khloe’s mom reports, “…she feels like her eyes have gotten better. Since vision therapy, Khloe has been up for reading a lot more…She didn’t realize her eyes were bad [before vision therapy].”
Proud Parent of an Improved Reader
We are excited for Kellen, a recent graduate of vision therapy. Before vision therapy, Kellen was two grade levels behind in reading, and it would take him 30 minutes to read five sentences. After vision therapy, Kellen is reading at grade level and enjoys reading now! Here is a letter his father shared with us:
“I am writing to you on behalf of my 8 year old son. While changes after vision therapy have been subtle, they are noticeable. He reads better. He seems to read more words per minute, he can better figure out words on his own, and he gives much less resistance when asked to read. I have also noticed better eye-hand coordination during school and play activities. While engaging in any activity, he seems to experience less eye fatigue and it takes longer for that fatigue to start setting in. I have not heard him complain about “sore eyes” while reading or playing in a very long time! The same goes for headaches. Vision therapy has allowed my son to grow, learn, and mature as a normal second grader should…without the struggle of eyes that won’t do what he needs them to do. Thank you!”